Anglo-Chinese School of Penang (ACSP) was founded on May 28, 1891 by a missionary, Mr. B. H. Balderstone. From its humble beginnings a rented house in Carnarvon Street with a lone student, the school soon expanded to six shop houses by 1893. After the resignation of Mr. Balderstone due to medical reasons, efforts were made by Rev. Pykett to purchase a site at Maxwell Road (where KOMTAR is currently located) on April 6, 1895. Subsequently, a modern school building was erected at Maxwell Road at a cost of $21,000. As the enrolment continued to grow, this building, too, became overcrowded. Another 10 shop houses along Penang Road were purchased. The exemplary leadership of Rev. Pykett was rightfully recognized in our School Song as “the man who blazed the trail”.
Under Rev. Peach, ACSP was divided into three units: Primary (at the rented premises of No. 422 Chulia Street), Middle at No. 193 Hutton Lane that belonged to Mr. Lim Lean Teng) and High (at Maxwell Road). In 1929, Rev. Peach acquired the historic Suffolk House (popularly known as Captain Francis Light’s House) for $40,000 to accommodate the High School. The playing field, named Madam Khoo Guat Lee Playground, was given by Mr. Lim Cheng Teik in memory of his beloved wife. The Mission, then, began to look for a better site for the Middle School and the present site at Pykett Avenue was acquired in 1937 by Bishop Edwin F. Lee for the primary and elementary classes. The contributions of philanthropists Mr. Khoo Hun Yeang, Mr. Foo Choo Choon and Mr. Khoo Cheow Teong were duly honoured with Sports Houses in their names.
In 1953, it became necessary to look for a new building for more accommodation and better teaching facilities. In June, 1955, the first new block of 12 classrooms was completed at the present site. It was formally declared open by the then Commissioner-General for South East Asia, the Rt. Honourable Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, and dedicated by Bishop R.L. Archer on 6 June 1955. On December 16, 1956, another phase complete with science laboratories, art room, library, Shaw Hall, teachers’ room and 14 classrooms was added.
In 1964, the Lee Kuo Chuan Building was erected. It housed the present library, an art room and an air-conditioned theatrette. A new canteen was completed in 1975 while a bell tower commemorated the school’s centenary in 1991.
The first decade of the new millennium saw the completion of an iconic MBS Arch, a modern lecture hall, a sixth form building, a living skills’ block, a covered multi-purpose walkway, a gazebo and a computer laboratory. Philanthropists and true-blue old boys Dato’ Ong Boon Kheng, Dato’ Seri Kalimullah Masheerul Hassan, Mr. Sonny Tan Chooi Chuan and Dr. Lee Keat Jin contributed generously to the school’s development. Alumni Dato’ Lim Cheng Chuan (Board Chairman), Tan Sri Dr. Sak Cheng Lum, Dr. Cheah Hock San, Dr. Fong Kheng Phoy, Dato’ Vaseehar Hassan and a host of old boys all rallied to their alma mater’s call from time to time. Architects Mr. Oh How Tat and Mr. Koay Kean Eng donated their professional services. Current projects include a Sports Pavilion, a counselling centre and a covered riverside recreation area. The basketball courts, the school canteen, the tennis court and the school field will be upgraded.
It is a matter of great pride to the School that many outstanding citizens have been old boys of the School leaving their indelible marks in the annals of our 122 years’ history. Amongst these are YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia and YAB Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon who was the third Chief Minister of Penang. Badminton greats Tan Aik Huang, Tan Aik Mong and Teh Kew San, Cabinet Ministers Dato’ Seri G. Palanivel and Dato’ Seri Azmi Khalid and internationally renowned artist, Abdullah Ariff are also in this illustrious list. The School has traced over one hundred and sixty old boys who are captains in their respective fields and they are all honoured in our School’s Hall of Fame, located in the MBS Heritage Centre.
Today, MBS Penang is a Grade A partially aided government school with a staff of 120 and a student population of 1,450. It seeks to be a “School of Choice” for the youth of Penang.
Kami berusaha untuk menawarkan pendidikan secara holistik untuk demi perpaduan bersama seperti yang termaktub dalam Rukunegara;
Kami berusaha untuk membentuk dan memperkasakan pelajar pelajar kami supaya menjadi warganegara yang bertanggungjawab, penyayang, kreatif dan produktif dengan membudayakan “disiplin berlandaskan kasih sayang” melalui nilai-nilai kasih sayang, amanah, rendah diri, belas kasihan, keamanan dan keadilan;
Kami berusaha menyediakan persekitaran pembelajaran yang selamat dan berpusatkan insaniah dalam masa yang sama pelajar-pelajar kami boleh dipupuk dan dibentuk dengan sepenuhnya mengikut prestasi masing-masing;
Kami meletakkan belas kasihan dan harapan terhadap pelajar-pelajar kami yang terpinggir;
Kami menegakkan budaya kepekaan terhadap Tuhan, kasih sayang dan sentiasa berdoa dalam membentuk personaliti keseluruhan yang positif dalam mengutamakan agama dan berbakti kepada masyarakat;
Kami menyokong padu dengan adanya guru yang dipacu bersama semangat kesetiaan, dedikasi dan pengorbanan demi memberi inspirasi kecemerlangan individu.
We seek to offer a holistic education for all and for unity as enshrined in the Rukunegara;
We seek to enable and empower our students to become responsible, caring, creative and productive citizens with a culture of “discipline with love” generated by values of love, trust, humility, compassion, peace and justice;
We seek to provide a safe and people-centered learning environment where our students can best be nurtured and developed to their fullest potential;
We advocate compassion and hope for our students who are underprivileged;
We nurture a culture of awareness of God, love and prayer in the development of a wholesome personality who will honourGod and serve society and nation;
We encourage teachers to be driven by the spirit of devotion and dedication to inspire individual excellence.
Lencana sekolah direkacipta oleh pelukis warna air antarabangsa, Encik Abdullah Ariff yang berkhidmat sebagai seorang guru seni ynag berkhidmat di MBS.
- Pokok Pinang
- Negeri Pulau Pinang
- Sun
- Pendidikan
- Sea
- Pengetahuan
- Methodist Boys’ School Penang
- Whatsoever Things Are True
- Motto Sekolah
The school crest designed by renowned international water colourist, Mr. Abdullah Ariff who served MBS as an art teacher.
- Pinang Tree
- State of Penang
- Sun
- Education
- Sea
- Knowledge
- Methodist Boys’ School Penang
- Whatsoever Things Are True
- School Motto
The School Song was written in conjunction with the 60th Diamond Anniversary of the founding of the School. It was composed by two of our teachers, Mr. E. Y. Beltran, who gave the music and Mr. Khoo Kay Hock, who wrote the lyrics. The predominant note in the song is the fifth degree of the scale. The rationale of this dominant note is to inspire MBS to strive to be the dominant school in Penang.
Come and sing a rousing song,
Tap your feet as you go along,
Sing of M.B.S. Penang, Sing of M.B.S. Penang,
Pykett came to blaze the trail,
There’s no room for hearts that quail,
Learn then there can be no rest,
Till you’ve given of your best.
M.B.S. (M.B.S.) M.B.S. (M.B.S.)
For you a name, for us a flame,
Shining steadily and lustily,
To show us life’s a game.
M.B.S. (M.B.S.) M.B.S.
O’ come what may we vow to play,
Life’s great game with courage and spirit gay,
M.B.S. .......................... M.B.S.!
Whatsoever things are true,
Whatsoever things are honest,
Whatsoever things are just,
Whatsoever things are pure,
Whatsoever things are lovely,
Whatsoever things are of good report
If there be any virtue,
And if there be any praise
Think of these things.
-Philippians 4:8